National Road Rules
All States and Territories in Australia have agreed to adopt a new set of laws regarding the use of child restraints in motor vehicles.
The new laws as recommended by the National Transport Commission are as follows;
- Children aged under six months must wear an approved, properly fastened and adjusted, rear-facing child restraint.
- Children aged between six months and under four years must wear an approved, properly fastened and adjusted, rear facing child restraint OR a forward facing child restraint with an in-built harness.
- Children aged between four years and under seven years must wear an approved, properly fastened and adjusted, forward facing child restraint with an in-built harness OR an approved booster seat which is properly positioned and fastened.
As the laws are state based, they may slightly differ to these recommendations and one another, so we suggest you use the relevant links below to get the correct information for your state.
InfaSecure views these road rules as minimums. Your child should not be moved up to the next category of child restraint until their shoulders are at or over the applicable shoulder height marker. For more information on shoulder height markers, please see our Australian Standard page.
Updated December 2014
Victoria has been enforcing the new laws from November 9th, 2009.
Useful links: VicRoads Road Rules Site.
Tasmania has been enforcing the new laws from November 30th, 2010.
Useful Links: Department of Transport Child Restraints Page
Queensland has been enforcing the new laws from March 11th, 2010.
Useful Links: Transport & Main Roads Child Restraint Laws Page
South Australia
South Australia has been enforcing the new laws from July 1st, 2010.
Useful Links: Government of SA Child Restraint Page
New South Wales
New South Wales has been enforcing the new laws from March 1st, 2010.
Useful Links: Child Car Seats Website
Australian Capital Territory
The ACT has been enforcing the new laws from 15 March, 2011.
Useful Links: ACT Road Transport Authority Child Restraints Guide
Western Australia
Western Australia's has been enforcing the new laws from 1st October, 2010
Useful Links: Office of Road Safety Road Rules Page
Northern Terriroty
The Northern Territory has been enforcing the new laws from February 1st, 2013.
Useful Links: Northern Territory Department of Transport Child Restraints Page